About Me
I was born (at a very young age) in Malaysia in 2003. I picked up C++ during secondary school, and got very interested in mathematics and coding. Prior to being admitted into NUS, I spend a lot of time taking part in mathematical and informatics olympiads. I was in the Malaysian team in Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad (APIO) 2021. As an undergraduate majoring in Computer Science, I developed strong interests towards theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics, and found passion in teaching as a meaningful activity that coincidentally lies within my capabilities.​

Me winning a bronze award from
Malaysian Computing Olympiad (MCO) 2019, https://ioimalaysia.org/competition/mco/2019/
Outside of academics, I enjoy unforced writing (writing but not for the sake of assignments) as a medium to express my thoughts. I also think a lot about mental wellness and how to cope with things like stress and self-doubt in university. I am a big fan of learning new things and acquiring new skills. I like the idea of iteratively exploring stuff outside of my comfort zone only to end up expanding it. It suffices to say that I find myself cultivating a wide array of hobbies and interests which will be covered in my blogs.
2022-2026 (expected)
Bachelor of Computing (Hons) in Computer Science
National University of Singapore
Minor in Mathematics
GPA: 4.53/5 (First Class Honours)
Academic Year 2022/2023 Semester 1 Deans' List
Academic Year 2023/2024 Honour List of Student Tutors
Chong Hwa Independent High School, Kuala Lumpur
Represented Malaysia in the Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad (APIO) 2021
Course Instructor of Computer Society from 2020 to 2021
Chairman of Recycling Society from 2019 to 2020
Work Experience
May 2024 - Jul 2024
Software Engineer (Intern)

Collaborated on a project to leverage tool-augmented local language models to develop an office chatbot tailored to a company of around 500 employees based in Qatar.
Refactored project codebase to remove over 10,000 lines of deprecated or repetitive code.
Conducted an in-depth review of a 25-page research paper on tool-augmented large language models (LLMs) to inform company’s subsequent project implementation choices.
Fine-tuned and analysed variants of 3 state-of-the-art LLMs to accomplish a sequence classification accuracy of over 90% for tool selection tasks
May 2023 - Jul 2023
Full Stack Developer
Computing for Voluntary Welfare Organizations (CVWO)

Maintained a case management system to support daily operations of Care Corner Counselling Centre, Care Corner Centre for Co-parenting and Children's Aid Society.
Collaborated on rewriting existing backend system consisting of about 110,000 lines of code from Ruby on Rails to Golang in less than 13 weeks.
Optimized backend system to achieve a 500% reduction in time required to execute various backend database queries.